Monday, July 11, 2016

Haiti Less Than a Week Away

We are less than a week away from our departure to Haiti.  We will be flying out of O'Hare airport and then heading to Ft. Lauderdale before taking the final leg of our trip to Haiti.  Yesterday our team went shopping for all the food and supplies we need to take with us to Haiti.  We split up into 3 teams to divide and conquer Wal-Mart.  When we came back together we had 4 shopping carts full of food and supplies.  We played an impromptu game of the Prices Right and all guessed how much our supplies would cost.  I can't remember who was the winner but their guess was $525.  The final cost of our food and supplies was $528.33.  We got to share with the person who was checking us out why we were purchasing all the food and supplies.  It was cool to share why we are going to Haiti.  

Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we prepare to leave on this adventure.  We will give regular updates and hopefully some great pictures and video as well.  

We are still looking for some financial support as we prepare to leave.  If you would be so generous to give to our trip you can do so securely at this address: 

You may choose to donate to any member of the team. If one student becomes fully funded the extra will go to another student in need.  

Thank you so much for your generous support of money and prayer.