Monday, July 18, 2016

Darrin Vant Hoff 7-18-16

Darrin Vant Hoff

Strategic Village Time Day 1
This afternoon we went out on our first strategic village time.  This is a time where Mission of Hope Haitian staff takes out groups to go out into the villages to get data about village families, share the Gospel, and get GPS locations of each house because houses do not have addresses like we do in the states.  Our team split up into two teams each with a MOH person and a translator.  Our group visited two houses and at my group's first house we met two sisters who lived in the same house.  They did not have any kids of their own but had a couple of boys from the village they were raising.  We asked where they got their water from and if they knew how to treat it, water needs to be treated in Haiti to be safe to drink. We also talked about their family and they asked questions about us as well.  After about 45 minutes of talking with them we were able to share the Gospel with them.  Our MOH staff person helped us along.  We found out that while the sisters knew about God and even had a favorite Bible story, they were not following Him.  One sister said that she wanted to turn back to Jesus and follow Him like she should.  It was an awesome site to see God working through us.   It was a great day visiting the Haitian people and seeing how God is working in Haiti. 

Evening Time
When we got back to our campus from Strategic Village Time, we had a little down time before eating dinner but it was just enough to change and take a short break. Dinner was a Haitian meal of rice, chicken and some wonderful Haitian sauce.  A couple of our team members went back for seconds they liked it so much.  After dinner we had free time where most of our group decided to play a game of Mafia.  It is a camp game if you didn’t know what that was.  We also had a few people play Yahtzee after Mafia was done.  Once again it rained tonight.  It is almost on cue that around dinner time the clouds get dark and the rain starts.  We enjoy it because the first night it didn’t rain and it was very hot and almost unbearable to sleep. Now it is almost perfect sleeping weather. 

Thank you for following our blog and please continue to pray for our team.  Tomorrow we go back to Vacation Bible School in the morning and in the afternoon we go out into the village again but this time we get to give a pair of goats and a water filter away as well as visiting some people.  Thank you for your prayers and support. 

Here are a couple more pictures from yesterday and today.  

A Yahtzee game from tonight.  
 The beach looks beautiful but there is trash all over and the MOH staff says there is glass and needles as well.  We took their word for it.  

Linnea with one of the kids from the village.

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