Friday, July 1, 2016

16 Days From Departure

Hello All,

In 16 days our group will be leaving for Haiti to partner with Mission of Hope Haiti.  We are getting very excited to see what God is going to do while we are in Haiti.  All of our team is getting very close to being fully funded but we still could still use some funding to help us get our goal of being fully funded.  If you have been contacted by a member of the team to help support them financially, would you please consider helping support the team.  If you have already given, we thank you so much for your generous gift.  

Finally we need your prayers.  As we get are getting close to leaving, here are a few ways you can support us through prayer.  

1.  Pray that all the logistics of travel go well.  
2.  Pray that the final financial support comes in. 
3.  Pray that God is and will be softening hearts to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ while we are there.  
4.  Pray for boldness for our team to share the Gospel without hesitation.  
5.  Pray for the people of Mission of Hope that they would be encouraged in God's work there.  

Thank you so much for taking the time to read about and pray for our team.  

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